Book your complimentary 30-minute HR Health Check

StuartGeneral, Uncategorized

Book complimentary HR health check

Has workplace compliance been on your mind? Book in a FREE Health Check today. Underpayments, incorrect or weak employment contracts, and paying an employee under the wrong award are common compliance errors businesses make – they’re costly errors that can damage a business, but thankfully they’re all avoidable. Don’t make the same mistakes – arrange your complimentary 30-minute Health Check … Read More

Changes to the Australian Superannuation Guarantee on 1 July 2021

Kieran BowdenSuper, Uncategorized

Changes to the Australian Superannuation Guarantee on 1 July 2021

An increase to the superannuation guarantee (SG) is set to go ahead from 1 July which will see the base rate rise from 9.5 per cent to 10 per cent. Kurtis from 542 Partners breaks down what Employers should consider doing before the end of the financial year in preparation for the super rate increase.  

Life After COVID | Part 1: Accessing Government Stimulus

StuartUncategorized, COVID19

Accessing Government Stimulus

Welcome to part 1 of our 4-part video series, arming you with the tools you need to prepare your business for life after COVID. To help manage the economic impact of the Coronavirus on businesses, the Government continues to provide financial support to businesses affected by COVID-19. This week, we discuss the Government stimulus packages and what financial assistance may be … Read More

Why accounting and business advisory should be two of the same


Why accounting and business advisory should be two of the same

For a while now, the general commentary around accounting has been around the rise in data entry automation spelling the death the traditional accounting industry and signalling the new approach to accounting. Significant technological change and a shift in the market has forced accountants to re-structure their service offering in an effort to remain aligned with the needs of their … Read More

Spotlight on Tradies: Issues affecting trades people in business. What you need to know.

StuartBusiness Process, Business Structures, Uncategorized


Long hours and physical demands characteristically common of tradespeople, often sees financial and business obligations not given the right amount of attention. As a result, in correct structures, missing legislative requirements and licences and paying penalties can play havoc with cash flow and hamper the path to success. Below we’ve outlined some common pitfalls many tradies face in business. Employee … Read More

Staying afloat in a cash poor business


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The cashflow cycle is extremely crucial to any business, and the ability to stay afloat comes down to understanding your business cash flow cycles and managing this accordingly. Most business owners see growth as the solution to a cash-flow problem. That’s why they often achieve their goal of growing the business only to find they have increased their cash-flow problems … Read More

Spotlight on Payroll: Overcoming the complexities of Payroll


space desk workspace coworking

Continuing on with our October Payroll blog spotlight, this week we’re delving deeper into Payroll and the complexities around Payroll. Payroll can be challenging, regardless of the size of your business. Changes in state and federal tax and employment law can make Payroll and Payroll tax complicated and time-consuming. But being aware of these common complexities will ensure you manage … Read More